NEW TIME IS 12:40PM (starts 1 March & runs most Mondays)
+ UPCOMING TOPICS THIS SEMESTER...join our Facebook group or e-mail Fr. Benedict OP to get on to the email list!
1) "A Wounded Way of Love? Dysfunctional Families and Healthy Families" - Sr. Jane Dominic OP
2) "The Gospel(s) of the Lord(s): Theology, Culture and the Evangelisation of the Body" - Matthew John Paul Tan
3) "The Dignity of Human Life" - Deacon Jacob Bertrand
4) “Procreation: a ‘Personal’ or ‘Natural’ Good?” (Contraception) - Conor Sweeney
5) "Masculinity & Femininity: What to Do When Boy Meets Girl" (Difference and Gift) - Sr. Jane Dominic OP
6) “Is Mutual Love Enough?” - Conor Sweeney
7) "Cyborgs & Sacraments: the Redemption of Cyber-Culture" - Matthew John Paul Tan
8) "Rethinking the Feminine in Art" (or another topic) - Sr. Jane Dominic OP
9) "Homosexuality and Same-sex unions / Dignity of Marriage" - Deacon Jacob Bertrand
10) "We really like your church...and uh, we'd like to get married." - Preparing a Couple for Christian Marriage Using Theology of the Body - Fr. Benedict Croell OP