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Angelicum Mass for Fr. Ragheed Ganni

Martedì 1 Giugno 2010 alle ore 18:00 nella Cappella/Coro dell'Angelicum si terrà la Celebrazione Eucaristica per commemorare il martirio di padre Ragheed Ganni studente presso la Pontificia Università San Tommaso dal 1997 al 2001.

Nuovo canale YouTube dell'Angelicum

The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome has launched a video channel on YouTube that will feature news coverage of the University and major Angelicum events: http://www.youtube.com/user/prpust.

It marked the start of the Angelicum's PR Office strategic vision of working "to help the Angelicum as an international, Catholic, ecclesiastical and Dominican institution bring the University’s community, alumni, friends and benefactors closer to the university and one another," said the (Very) Rev. Alejandro Crosthwaite, OP, Vice-Rector for Public Relations of the Angelicum.

The Angelicum officially unveiled the new channel May 9, 2010. The new Angelicum PR Office initiative will make information and news about the Angelicum more readily accessible on the Internet together with its Facebook & Twitter sites and the Angelicum Newsletter Blog that as been on-line since 2008.

The wise use of online networking technology can help people join the Angelicum community "in the Dominican tradition of 'sharing with others the fruits of our contemplation' transcending geographical boundaries in an inexpensive way," Fr. Crosthwaite said.

Viewers will be able to leave comments, distribute the videos by e-mailing or messaging the links, and share the videos with friends on various social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, as well as submit the Angelicum video links to news aggregator sites like Digg.

Prof. Crosthwaite said the YouTube initiative was only the beginning of a long journey utilizing some of the possibilities today's digital media and platforms offer.

He said the Angelicum hopes to expand the kind of video coverage it offers to include Angelicum student- and professor-made videos.

Karol Wojtyla Discussion Group

Cyborgs & Sacraments: the Redemption of Cyber-Culture
with Matthew John Paul Tan

Is The Matrix already a Reality? In our next session, we would look at our culture’s fascination with cyberspace and electronics. From Second Life, Digital Photography and Facebook, we see a diverse array of ways to realise our desire to go beyond our bodily limitations through cybernetic means.

At first glance, Christians may look at these as instruments to make life easier,and even see them as new avenues of building Community and spreading the gospel. But do these conveniences blind us to an anti-theology of the body that produces an atomistic and even anti-sacramental way of life? How then are we to make sense of cyberculture? Is it all bad? If not, can it be redeemed?

MONDAY 3 MAY 2010 at 12:40 in Aula 11

Variazione orario d'apertura della biblioteca - Changes to opening hours of the library

A partire dal mese di maggio la Biblioteca seguirà il seguente orario di apertura al pubblico:

Lunedì - Venerdì: 8.00 - 18.00

Sabato: CHIUSO


Beginning in May the Library will follow the following horarium:

Mondays - Fridays: 8:00am-6:00pm

Saturdays: CLOSED

An Extraordinary Opportunity with Fr. Robert Barron

Uno Straordinario Appuntamento con P. Robert Barron all'Università San Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum) - GIOVEDI' 6 Maggio 2010 ale ore 10:30
La tematica trattata sarà inerente alla Presenza Reale di Cristo nell'Eucaristia.
"Meal, Sacrifice, Real Presence:
Thinking afresh about the Eucharist"

Clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni

An Extraordinary Opportunity with Fr. Robert Barron at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) - THURSDAY 6 MAY 2010 AT 10:30AM with the topic: "Meal, Sacrifice, Real Presence:
Thinking afresh about the Eucharist"

Click here for more information.

15 Maggio - Gli studenti dell'Angelicum in pellegrinaggio ad Assisi

Ciao a tutti!
Vi ricordo che l'ASPUST, il M.Ecclesiae e l'Uff.Studenti hanno organizzato la gita (di primavera) di tutte le Facoltà dell'Angelicum

Il raduno dei partecipanti sarà in Largo Magnopoli (di fronte all'Angelicum) alle ore 06:30. La partenza sarà alle ore 07:00.

Pranzo al sacco.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi: la quota di partecipazione è di €.10,00 da versare al momento dell'iscrizione in Ufficio Studenti ASPUST (per info: filaletedreamer@yahoo.it)

L'iscrizione dovrà avvenire entro venerdì 30 aprile!